Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Legal Implications Of Culture, Workforce Diversity And...
Legal Implications of Culture, Workforce Diversity and Diversity Management in a Global Environment Lindiwe Musekiwa Walden University Introduction Organizations, the world over, are embracing innovation in order to stay competitive by putting into action organizational management that includes, among others, culture, workforce diversity, and diversity management (Marsella, 2009). Although not much has been written about the interconnection of managing diversity (cultural, and workforce included) and organizational competitiveness (Cox Blake, 1991), the contemporary way of conducting business calls for a large globally diverse workforce from various cultures, backdrops, beliefs, and ethnicities (Mazur, 2010). However, there are challenges associated with organizational management pertaining to culture, diversity workforce, and diversity management that conflict, or are at odd with national employment laws, as well as international labor law. This article deliberates over legal considerations while taking pertinent organizational managerial practices on culture, workforce diversity, and diversity management. Cultures Globalization and technological advancement have dictated the need for managers to deal with multiple ethnic groups with different culture in their day to day interactions. According to Kulkarni (2012), cultures play critical roles in individuals, including values, beliefs, humor, worries, fears, hopes, opinions, attachments, and anxieties.Show MoreRelatedA Cultural Diversity Training Program1213 Words  | 5 PagesWith many organizations expanding and becoming more global organizations, whose businesses deal with other countries, cultural diversity becomes more challenging. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Social Worker At My Sister s House - 970 Words
Social worker is a challenging but yet a rewarding profession. You have to be an active listener, compassionate, supportive, non-judgmental, and an empathetic person to be a great social worker. This week our assignment was to interview a social worker. On 09/17/2015, I had the pleasure to interview a social worker at My Sister’s House in Nashville, NC. I chose My Sister’s House because I use to volunteer there in 2011-2012 as crisis call taker. I like the services they provide for the community. My Sister’s House is a non-profit organization that helps domestic and sexual abuse victims with housing, emotional and legal resources. The building is an office space between other businesses like a plaza. It is across from Nash County Court House in Nashville, NC. Once you entered the office, it is like a shot gun house. You have the receptionist area and once pass that area, you have offices on each side of the hall. It is quite small hence they are moving into a n ew building in Rocky Mount on January 2016. It does not give a warm feeling at all but I think the employees make the victims feel comfortable. The social worker I interviewed has been employed there since 2012 as a court advocate/social worker. However, she started out as a volunteer a crisis call taker. Her name is Telisa Richardson. Before we got started with the interview, I asked her where did she received her educational credentials. Ms. Richardson told me that she is an alumna of Barton College with a BSW inShow MoreRelatedA Social Worker At My Sister s House Essay976 Words  | 4 PagesA social worker is a challenging but yet a rewarding profession. You have to be an active listener, compassionate, supportive, non-judgmental, and an empathetic person to be a great social worker. This week our assignment was to interview a social worker. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Hobsons Choice Essay Example For Students
Hobsons Choice Essay Demonstrate, in detail, how the writer uses language effectively to represent Maggies character and role in act one of Hobsons Choice. Hobsons choice The play is set in Salford in 1880. The year is a very important thing in the play because some characters are not fit for what time they are in because women were often thought of as lower class because they could not work to earn money. Maggie is an example of this. In 1880 women were not usually able to tell people what to do but Maggie often uses imperatives to order people about. Men would think it was foolish to listen to a woman; many men those days would even think that women were inferior to men so are unable to work or vote. In the play Maggie immediately takes control of situations with ease. The other main characters in the play are Hobson, Willie, Vicky and Alice. Alice, who is twenty one and Vicky, who is twenty three are Maggies younger sisters. Maggie, who is thirty, is the eldest daughter of Hobson. We will write a custom essay on Hobsons Choice specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now At the start of act one Maggie is already showing her character. As soon as Maggie enters the shop she is working with an account book while her sisters are reading and knitting this show that Maggie is a hard worker and always wants to work to get the job done to move on and do something else, this shows she is determined to work quickly and efficiently. Maggie also shows she knows a lot about the family life. Vicky said Has he had breakfast yet, Maggie? (He meaning Hobson,) Maggie replies, Breakfast! With a masons meeting last night? Maggie replies like Vicky should know the answer automatically. When Albert Prosser enters the shop Maggie rises. This could be symbolic of her rising to a challenge. Maggie is formal to Albert calling him Mr Prosser. This again could be her trying to be respectful to men which was expected in those days. When Albert tries to leave without buying anything Maggie stops him saying, this is a shop, you know. She states the obvious to him, later saying Were not here to let people go out without buying. Here she demands Albert to buy something. This shows she has a strong character that isnt afraid to stand over men. Albert asks for a pair of shoe laces but Maggie turns a deaf ear asking what size show he wears. This shows that she will only listen to what she wants to hear because she just ignores what he said to ask him a question. After Maggie gets a pair of boots she pushes him slightly. When she pushes him this could be a sign of annoyance which shows she has a very short temper or it could just show she is in a rush trying to do more than one thing at a time. After she tells Albert to sit down, the use of the imperative here is very demanding literally forcing him to sit down after she had just pushed him. When Maggie sees Alberts boots she said these uppers are disgraceful for a professional man. She is prepared to insult Albert, a professional man as she said just to make a sale, this shows there is no limit of what she would do just to make a sale. Maggie shows a hint of sarcasm saying I wonder what brings him here so often? Maggie knows that Albert and Alice are literally a couple but plays dumb to try and hurt Albert saying he doesnt show much love because she hasnt noticed it. She later says to Albert Do you get through a pair a day? You must be strong. This is showing her being sarcastic again because she knows he is weak because she has dominated him the moment that he entered the shop, she also talks like she is bored around him. Maggie after commanding him to try the shoes standing up and then put the other on she tells him to sit down which is dominating over him. Mr Prosser really doesnt want to buy them Maggie says you cant go through the streets n odd boots. This sounds like she is mothering him, like she has took another approach to try to sell the boots to him. .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .postImageUrl , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:hover , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:visited , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:active { border:0!important; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:active , .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29 .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1e4ecac1c6f0a4440f3c801424282c29:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Redbridge Drama centre EssayHe eventually asks the price Maggie replies normally a pound, which shocks Albert because this is a lot of money, Willie gets eighteen shillings a week which is a lot less and he makes the boots. Maggie tries to sell more saying if you want leather ones, you being a strong in the arm and breaking so many pairs, you can have them, only tuppence more. This shows that she is always thinking of selling things her mind never rests she just wants to make as much money as possible of one customer. She was also being sarcastic saying how strong he was, if I were the director I would cast Albert as a very frail man in the play to make the sarcasm even more demeaning. Maggie later says youd better have the old pair mended and Ill send them home to you with the bill. Maggie has just had a double sale selling a very expensive pair of shoes and also mending another, this shows how good a saleswoman she really is. Maggie opens the door expecting Albert to leave, which could be interpreted as quite rude considering that he has just spent a lot of money when he didnt want to. Maggie said, he has too much time on his hands. (He meaning Albert.) This could show Maggie doesnt like idle people or Maggie is so active she thinks normal people are idle and she has become more of a full time worker than a shop owners daughter. After Alice said about how courting has to come first Maggie said, see that slipper with a fancy buckle on to make it pretty? Courtings like that, my lass. All glitter and no use to nobody. Courting is like dating and Maggie, completely devoid of romance, thinks it is unneeded. It could also show that she doesnt care about fashion because she didnt like the buckle like the girls may like so she has a very practical mind: a mind of a hard worker and not a woman.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Bacchae Essays - Greek Mythology, Mythology, Dionysus, Pentheus
The Bacchae In the Bacchae, for whom do you feel more sympathy ? Pentheus or Dionysus? In the Bacchae, Pentheus and Dionysus have very different characters. They are both very complex characters and they both go through changes that alter the way you see them. At the beginning of the play, we are given a very dramatic image of Dionysus at his mothers, Semele's monument. He is wearing a crown of ivy, carrying a thyrsus and wearing a fawn skin. It is a very mysterious and haunting scene. When Dionysus speaks he speaks angrily and passionately - you do not get the impression that he is a very subdued character. In contrast, however, when you first meet Pentheus you see him as a very proud man. He is outraged with the women of Thebes, he has a strict sense of his own beliefs ? he simply cannot understand why the women are choosing to believe in a foreign god, an ? upstart god '. He is instinctively sceptical. He believes that the women of Troy have left ?on some pretence of Bacchic worship'. He is so cynical he honestly cannot believe in the power of Bacchus. When we first meet the two adversaries face to face, we at first feel sympathy for Dionysus, for he is the prisoner. Pentheus starts the conversation thinking he has the upper hand because he has more power over the situation. However, it is clear to the audience that Dionysus is in control of the situation. He is calm and strong. He could have felt threatened, being in a king's presence, but instead he acts confidently. This could have made me feel proud of Dionysus for handling the situation so well; if it was not for the fact that he cruelly mocks Pentheus. Pentheus obviously has no idea that he is talking to a god, and Dionysus takes full advantage of this. Dionysus drops hints that he is not simply a Bacchic worshiper, but these are only obvious to the audience. Dionysus tells us that Dionysus is ?close at hand and sees what's being done to me'. The audience can appreciate the subtly in this, but to Pentheus the man is just provoking him. I think that Pentheus is jealous of Dionysus' power over women, long curls and white skin. This would explain why he is so condescending to Dionysus. Pentheus does not want to believe that Dionysus is really the son of Zeus. I think that deep down he knows that he is and that is why he constantly needs to reassure himself of his royal status. I think Dionysus is aware of Pentheus' jealousy and he uses this to his own advantage. We know that he can manipulate people, as he can make the guard feel guilty for simply bringing him before the king. I can sympathise with Pentheus because it is hard for him to understand this new, foreign cult, let alone accept it. He is a young and relatively new king and unused to his power, without having it questioned by a foreigner. He wants to assert his power and to be in control. He can not do this when being threatened by an eastern cult. I do disagree, however, with the way Pentheus tries to dictate Thebes - it should be up to the people of Thebes to make up their own minds as to their beliefs. If they want to believe that Dionysus is the son of Zeus, there is nothing Pentheus can do to change their minds. Pentheus is frightened by the way that the women are so sure of themselves, he does not like the way they are suddenly at ease with nature. What he does not realise is that Dionysus does not want the women to completely abandon themselves to nature, but just to recognise his importance and the importance of his worship. There are many qualities that make Dionysus a strong god, he is very wise and helps the people to forget their suffering by procuring wine. He is also a prophet and can enable people to see their future. Dionysus is often blamed for his female followers being unchaste and without morals. I do not think that this is a
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