Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Importance of St. Petersburg in Fyodor Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishme
Significance of St. Petersburg in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment investigates the risky impacts of St. Petersburg, a threatening city, on the mind of the ruined understudy Raskolnikov. In this novel, Petersburg is something other than a background. The city assumes a focal job in the advancement of the characters and the moves that they make. Raskolnikov makes due in one of the confined, dull spaces that are normal for Petersburg. These spaces resemble final resting places; they choke out Raskolnikov's brain. St. Petersburg makes an unusual situation where Raskolnikov can make the Overman Theory, yet he can likewise do it by killing a pawnbroker without hesitating, at that point legitimize his activities with the conviction that society will be in an ideal situation without her. Raskolnikov finds no help outside of his confined room; the Petersburg atmosphere is similarly as harsh to the mind as the confined space of Raskolnikov’s room. Not exclusively is the outside air risky; it drives him to disc over help in the devil’s bar. While meandering the diabolical roads of St. Petersburg, Raskolnikov enters the devil’s domain as Petersburg bars. These are underhanded spots, where deceptive thoughts of burglary and murder circle. Raskolnikov catches the contorted plan to execute the pawnbroker inside one of these invaded bars. The threatening idea of the spaces in Petersburg permits Raskolnikov to grasp the Overman Theory and the Arithmetic of Morality. Raskolnikov legitimizes slaughtering the pawnbroker since he presumes that it is normal, just, and unadulterated number juggling. One individual must pass on with the goal that the lives of various others might be spared. The Arithmetic of Morality seems coherent to Raskolniko... ...unrest. For Marmeladov, this prompts his implosion as a drunkard, tossing his life and the life of his family away in bars; for Raskolnikov it makes him murder two unprotected ladies, wanting to take cash that can be utilized to help other people. Both these men intend no mischief by their activities, yet their confined, secluded condition molds them into twisted characters who appear to act not of their own will, yet just as got through life by the powers of St. Petersburg. Works Cited Bely, Andrei. Petersburg. Trans. Robert A. Maguire and John E. Malmstad. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1978.  Dostoyevsky, Fyodor. Wrongdoing and Punishment. New York: Penguin Signet Classic, 1968.  Gogol, Nikolai. The Overcoat. The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol. Trans. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. New York: Pantheon Books, 1998. 394-435.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Drug Use Among African-American Adolescent Females Essay
Medication Use Among African-American Adolescent Females - Essay Example What's more, substance use and misuse prompts more unfortunate execution in school, untimely dropping out, legitimate complexities, and poor work openings. These are unequivocally the issues that a youthful African-American female is sick prepared to stand up to in reality as we know it where race and sexual orientation may as of now place them off guard. African-American juvenile females have made incredible walks in going up against sedate maltreatment, yet there are as yet a few hazard factors that they are routinely presented to. Substance misuse has been distinguished as the country's main medical issue. It is basic to address the issue of adolescent medication use as most clients start utilizing AOD before they turn 15 years of age (Lewis et al., 2002, p.15). For the motivations behind this paper, a pre-adult is an individual going to class in grades 13 through 18 years of age. Venturing and interceding into this age section is one of the keys to the achievement of stemming the tide of chronic drug use. It is quite applicable to comprehend the extent of the issue just as the triggers and stressors that may lead a youthful dark female to utilize medications or backslide after a treatment program. The practical expense to society makes it monetarily basic to mediate at a youthful age. An untreated medication issue costs society right around four fold the amount of as would be spent on a private treatment program (Lewis et al., 2002, p.56). There is likewise an incredible individual cost connected to the abuse r of AOD. Physical wellbeing experiences the medications, yet in addition from poor dietary patterns and the pressure associated with the disgrace of medication use. The legitimate status of high schooler utilization of medications can decimate a little youngster's life by upsetting the instructive procedure and presenting them to other crime. While substance misuse is a significant danger to our general wellbeing, it is one that the country can't bear to overlook. Stressors that raise the danger of medication use are regularly not sexual orientation or race explicit, however there are some outstanding special cases. By and large, females in their youngster years will in general utilize marginally less medications than their male partners. Almost 50 percent of people have attempted an illicit medication by their senior year of secondary school, and liquor is the most well known medication of decision followed by pot (Johnston, O'Malley, Bachman, and Schulenberg, 2007, p.115). Nonetheless, weed is the medication that is most routinely utilized, with 1 percent of eighth graders smoking it day by day, and 5 percent of twelfth graders utilizing the medication day by day (Johnston et al., 2007, p.90). As opposed to the run of the mill generalizing of the media, African-American adolescents utilize less medication and less frequently than their Caucasian or Hispanic associates (Johnston et al., 2007, p.132-135). This misperception might be because of the solid connection among's destitution and medication use, and the over-portrayal of African-Americans in the country's punitive framework. Be that as it may, the insights plainly show that youthful African-American females are one of the most minimal utilizing segment gatherings. There are a few constrains that come to shoulder on youthful African-American ladies to start utilizing drugs. Having an open door past secondary school significantly affects an understudy's choice to defer testing and utilizing drugs. Pot use by eighth graders is 50 percent lower among the understudies who are anticipating going to a 4-year school (Johnston, et al., 2007,
Monday, August 17, 2020
Integrity vs. Despair in Psychosocial Development
Integrity vs. Despair in Psychosocial Development Theories Psychosocial Psychology Print Integrity vs. Despair in Psychosocial Development By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Reviewed by Reviewed by Amy Morin, LCSW on February 01, 2020 facebook twitter instagram Amy Morin, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, author of the bestselling book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do, and a highly sought-after speaker. Learn about our Wellness Board Amy Morin, LCSW on February 01, 2020 Psychosocial Development Overview Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair Integrity versus despair is the eighth and final stage of Erik Erikson’s stage theory of psychosocial development. This stage begins at approximately age 65 and ends at death. Psychologists, counselors, and nurses today use the concepts of Eriksons stages when providing care for aging patients.?? Verywell / Nusha Ashjaee Erikson’s theory suggests that people pass through eight distinctive developmental stages as they grow and change through life. While many developmental theories tend to focus purely on childhood events, Erikson was one of the few theorists to look at development across the entire course of the lifespan. He was also one of the first to view the aging process itself as part of human development. At each stage of psychosocial development, people are faced with a crisis that acts as a turning point in development. Successfully resolving the crisis leads to developing a psychological virtue that contributes to overall psychological well-being. At the integrity versus despair stage, the key conflict centers on questioning whether or not the individual has led a meaningful, satisfying life. Overview Psychosocial Conflict: Integrity versus despairMajor Question: Did I live a meaningful life?Basic Virtue: WisdomImportant Event(s): Reflecting back on life Integrity vs. Despair The integrity versus despair stage begins as the aging adult begins to tackle the problem of his or her mortality. The onset of this stage is often triggered by life events such as retirement, the loss of a spouse, the loss of friends and acquaintances, facing a terminal illness, and other changes to major roles in life.?? During the integrity versus despair stage, people reflect back on the life they have lived and come away with either a sense of fulfillment from a life well lived or a sense of regret and despair over a life misspent. Successfully resolving the crisis at this stage leads to the development of what Erikson referred to as ego integrity. People are able to look back at their life with a sense of contentment and face the end of life with a sense of wisdom and no regrets.?? Erikson defined this wisdom as an informed and detached concern with life itself even in the face of death itself. Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general feeling of satisfaction. These individuals will attain wisdom, even when confronting death.?? Those who are unsuccessful during this phase will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings of bitterness and despair. An Example of the Integrity vs. Despair Stage June just turned 65 and recently retired from her job as a school teacher. As she begins to reflect back on her life, she finds that she experiences both feelings of satisfaction as well as a few regrets. In addition to a career as a teacher that spanned over three decades, she also raised four children and has good relationships with all of her kids. She feels proud of her years educating young children and being around her young grandchildren leaves her with a sense of pride. On the other hand, her youngest daughter bounces from job to job and regularly has to ask June for financial assistance. June wonders at times if there is something she could have done to set her daughter on a better path. June also feels pangs of regret that she never pursued a graduate degree and moved into an administrative role. Like most people, June looks back on her life and sees both the things she is proud of as well as the things she might regret. How she resolves this crisis determines whether she will achieve ego integrity or if she will be left only with feelings of despair. While she realizes that there are some things she might have done differently if she had the chance, June feels an overall sense of pride and accomplishment in her life. She made valuable contributions to society, successfully raised a family and every time she thinks of her grandchildren she realizes that she has given something to the world that will ultimately outlast her. As she faces the end of her life, June feels a sense of being complete and is able to look back and face what is ahead with a sense of wisdom and peace. A Word From Verywell According to Eriksons theory, individuals dont experience integrity or despair all the time. Instead, most healthy individuals experience a balance between each as they begin to make sense of their lives.
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